
Safety and occupational health concern the safety of users, production, equipment and the environment; these are the main principles for providing safe working conditions to ensure that users return home healthy and safe without injuries

Accordingly, the safety management of the Libyan Cement Company decided in 2021 to implement an application

This application is a tool designed to assist everyone in the Libyan Cement Company in monitoring interventions and agreeing on future actions to improve the level of safety and occupational health within the company

This application provides you with a quick and easy way to write your notes

It also provides an overview of the current situation regarding safety and occupational health within the company, with statistics on workplace environmental risks and identification of hazardous phenomena


Improving safety and occupational health

Safety and occupational health are top priorities for any organization or company, aiming to ensure the safety of users, workers, equipment, and the environment, and provide safe working conditions for everyone

Accordingly, the Libyan Cement Company decided in 2021 to implement an application designed to assist employees in the Libyan Cement Company in monitoring interventions and taking necessary actions to improve the level of safety and occupational health within the company

How the application works

The application is a tool designed to provide a quick and easy guide for monitoring safety and occupational health

Users can use the application to write their notes more quickly and efficiently and get an overview of the current status of safety and occupational health within the company, with statistics on workplace environmental risks and identification of hazardous phenomena

Benefits of the application

The application helps improve the level of safety and occupational health within the company, thus enhancing productivity and product quality

It also helps improve the company’s reputation and make it more attractive to employees and investors

Given the importance of safety and occupational health in achieving production goals and ensuring everyone’s safety, using the application is a crucial step in enhancing safety and occupational health within the company

This way, the Libyan Cement Company can become more appealing to employees and investors and achieve its production goals more efficiently